Friday 4 February 2022

I became very diverted

 loss of many year accommodation, no big deal as the wave of gentrification sweeping the region was long ago spied on the horizon. And environmentalism means ALWAYS

.....all must be recycled and pawned off to others who can make use of unneeded this and that. no matter what ego battles may have occurred in the past.

But more interesting, a last busy push to get a few allies to work on various longstanding semi conservation thrusts and legal protections. Even trying to import from abroad a few who may be interested as they also ride out more absurd restrictions in other countries.. But my my what time wasting one encounters. It is called 'people pleasing'. That is not good for you...

hence i gave up actually operating as conservation monitor and attempting to have REAL LAW that protects wildlife enforced and at least some semblance of policing. reality is so few really care.

to be continued quite soon, or rather fully revamped and edited in a different way. I can write but not when rather pushed for space and quiet times. 

a non local - i.e. universal and anonymous,  general universal story of some of what went on in these hills and at these rivers the last decade i would love to turn into something real and somehow life afforming one day. It is almost material for an opera. certainly for art ....

There are important stories that need recording for posterity. And i will.

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