
Sunday 6 June 2021

5 june The project in audio and some video

I have some time been pondering what next, if anything, but a recent experience - same old bullshit, and a RARE thing a superb free speaking older  woman got me to ranting at

But then i just thought, is always the same. It is time to at least write more fully the truth. All the way until the wheels fall off and burn. So here we go.

Maybe summed up although this really is a back of a fag packet make it up as go along.

and I haven't had time to check for typos and grammar yet. 

Most likely eventuality i hide in a cave and write up the interesting bits. But not like the rather silly Norwegian who clearly watches too many YouTube videos. Watching lots of anything on a screen does make you rather intense and unable to see behind the screens. Centeredness and peace only comes from forgetting that humanity exists on long walks and maybe once forgotten, and accepting that people not listening is splendid for real creativity,  pondering anything useful that may be said, to help perhaps...and clearly he hasn't)


(video channel - i been living like that at times for 20 years and don't need to show off with a fancy beard or weaponry, or extreme words)

I made half an hour of video 5th June 2021. Perhaps it 'explains' a few things in a more human way, but also i do find when in the 'zone' - which means well rested  - sleep the key to thinking philosophically,  things develop a life of their own. That said all things shared many years in the percolating and al opinions expressed as a result of very very many examples encountered leading to eventual conclusion after many years percolation. One gets so tried of cowards stating "you cannot generalise". I am sure 100 years ago politicos opposing the female vote said exactly that when someone piped up with "women are equal human beings too". The tendency of certain females  - sadly the environmentalist movement is basically run by female people so that is not a Miss Oh Jenny its just an unavoidable bit of reality, to deploy that weapon of "you cannot generalise" seemed to arise around the time that loads of fake environmentalists started to put up their stalls (for grant money or admiration) yet DID nothing....much. Litter picking around your town when the citizenry should demand the taxes paid for that are spent on that, does not count. Especially when more of the planets resources are wasted on so many gleaming fluorescent jackets and even these days special equipment and gloves they all have to pick up a fag end. Country folk pick up ferret shit and wipe their fingers on their trousers that's what trousers are for. And science says ...generally... the more pathogens the better - tunes up your natural defences. You are only extant because cavewomen did not have hand gel. And that is a fact. 

SO yes ... ehh i was just going to be chronicling up until yesterday.... because truth matters - without it we do not know where the gateposts are for future generations to manoeuvre their Mad Max vehicles through without bashing a bumper, and then over the previous one who fucked it up entirely for them. 

Simple factual extremely high standards of evidence, always anonymised - maybe except for one veryvery  baddy i have yet to decide. And lots of poetry mixed in too, and lines from the odd stirring Siouxsi or Joan Baez or if we must Bobsong song, to keep me entertained. All lines from anyone else ever are always credited. All cheating is bad. 

But then as i am preparing first rough chronicle draft i just started to talk in tongues about actually how there may be some genuine possibility that may be gathered ...'challenged'; but then as one categorical fact in my own lovely life is that even Bjorn is far too bourgeois for me and i want nothing, i certainly am of a different species to the rest of the UK and thus have no conceivable future any any fellowship with any compaƱera    and i am writing a book about how genuine togetherness in rural areas be it as footstamper or small scale farmer or horticulturalist or even ferret breeder is essential and no one in UK seems to actually understand this any more indeed understanding i guess will soon also be classified as 'micro aggression'.

SO i discovered a few years ago a great way of putting into a few sentences or maybe just one how to live - a hero Montaigne the first 'blogger' tried... I think i can do better: Once past the early middle years of still thinking shagging and stuff really are important,  act as if the best possible outcome  - well pondered for any unintentional harm to others or groups of 'others', will indeed be possible sooner or later. No matter what battles are waged in their 'now'. Just keep on the path and act as if you wont get bashed off it or die of unwashed hands after touching a toadstool by accident. Or even sleeping with her.   And a final little  line is constantly check oneself for Messianic or fascistic or narcissistic personality disorder traits.  I have the odd 'Grasshopper' under my wing - only very lightly shaded and in a loose embrace as one must be so careful these days so many desperate people need so much.  I always say to them watch every few years as minimum The Film Land Of The Blind. But remember the murderous overthrow may be metaphor. There are many other ways a power class can damage those under their foot.

Anyway to very scrappy initial business. I also have lots of film over the years featuring others. But despite fancy new fibre line laid along a road a mile from me. We will NEVER have more than less than 1mb upload so i have to bob around cafes and the like and its so hard to multi task all that and write too. And it is the writing I like. Not that anyone seems to be able to read any more.... we shall see.

 Temporary first media links seems ok and is often said to be extremely virus-safe,  but i cannot read any more ts and cs and am well read. I assume these links will keep working but the gobbledygook they feed you is impossible nowadays and i used to run a few online portals in the old days. Before every spiv in town became the next Jobs or whomsoever. And am very good at multitasking being a single parent many years and wearing several other concomitant hats. Some a bit frenetic.  

and i even have to multi task between bleedin google ids and mega accounts as to be an environmentalist one has to learn to really really love saving every penny and being very good at it. Systems are for beating. One megga account is filling up  - ones free allowance there's always a way to cheat. And it isn't if you have to cheat because so many of the 'environmentalist'  cheats literally wasted many thousands of hours of my jolly happy life these last 15 years.  


5 June at bridge video clips part 1

mega filestore RR part 1 video 5 june

and part 2 

mega filestore IGRC 5 june video part 2

sorry 2 gb but i forgot to turn vid to a lower setting.

All these settings to bugger about with.......


audio only of   videos above

plus some missed bits when camera stopped and i did not know as i don't have a helper.

6 files in numerical sequence

These are the unbroken audio of nattering to camera as above

mega filestore (IGRC) 5 june 2021 pm audio

i have no idea if Mega allows more than a few downloads of the above. Time will tell. Use the contact form if any queries or want more. There is zillibytes more...But for now you will have to prove your on my side first... :-) And are sick of the bullshit too, in a nice centred and peaceful way...i never even furrow my brow these days. indeed i do need a comedian on board as it is all so lampoonable it's many a great comedy. Even monetisable for someone, and that ain't my thing. Beyond living expenses and they are rather below average - why i have the time to do what maybe matters.

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