Monday 7 June 2021

Sunday 6 June 2021 audio

I shall not be 'rolling out' this site for some time. Maybe i will have to relocate first hahh hahh. Its so boring being among the BS merchants anyway.  

There is a page aside the main blog on a long held notion it would be great to find someone more or less on the same page to work at times together on some of this. Indeed there is a story in that - May 2020 no one much caring to hide away around me - thousands of acres to roam,  we didn't have 'lockdown' as such, i started to contact many possible sharers - bubblers, whatever one wants to call sharing costs and such wonderful land around to roam and enjoy. It was extraordinary the bs level those saying they wished to get away from cities and then 3 emails in it all fizzles to weird ghosts as usual. I am not sure they meant their statements about getting away from it all. It's very 'trendy' to state one wishes a simple rural life. It's the stating that's the problem, or better word fantasy. I discovered. 

NB all below is still in draft form. Back of fag packet, quickly rattled out sketch of something. I have several similar active online sketchbooks on the go  and am probably even mixing up what said here and there. Lots of editing and rewriting needed soon. And for me that means if we have  a week of bad weather as from spring i get out into the good weather a lot. 

Ideas for what could be, or 'wanted'. Plus my own hypocrisies and shortfalls - that matter. Recorded 6 June 2021

I have a very large archive of discoveries of bad practice, and bitchy BS even, going back 15 years only collected to show the unsustainable attitudes of a range of people concerned with sustainability and even owning the bits of land we need to be ecologically sustainable. I don't really want to bore myself with the great kiss'n-tell. Although it is a significant archive in true history terms. 

What I would far rather do is be chronicling some new no nonsense relationships developing in respect of a few getting to grips with much more real and proactive approaches to all of this. Even find GOOD examples of genuine better environmental practice  - including the no more bs people aspct, and film or essay and record segments on that. AN Other alongside me would be good for that. Maybe the archive is a little bit of 'leverage' ... " you dont want to be another dilettante failure like x y and z do you..!"  Though I am most careful about libel and slander. I would never speak negatively of anyone unless i really do have a jolly good archive that backs up my words on past matters if they are ever to be rolled out fully.

Sorry, I believe one of the many shortfalls in matters eco has been poor inadequate communication. It is impossible to explain oneself or the real issues in one 4 minute snippet. One cannot even say to the average 'right thinking' environmentally inclined person any more "as Neruda said a conversation does not begin until we have been speaking for at least an hour", so I do it even more to experience their bitter response which is of course fulfilling their lifestyle 'needs' they certainly don't have even 15 minutes free.... ever! Its laughable. Which is at real root. So here I ramble on. Attempting to communicate fully the issues and possibilities. Clearly, and once only. I don't have time any more to waste on repeating myself.    

And i have a lot to share AN Other or so could benefit from. There are useful roles I can nudge others into which are tentative as they depend on others however are REAL environmental no nonsense new paradigm stuff. Let's hope we as a society don't settle back into further apathy and complacency after 2020 

mega filestore 6 june 2021 pm all audio only

I forgot…

Theres one true living bit. You see I had a magga bucks development quietly blocked 5 to 3 years ago. I deliberately then put out even if I am most not-“social” I am in love with the Mistress of the hunt and retire from all previous oft stated values” Serious.

But the last few weeks there is behind ‘this’ something very very real and alive. That for the first time ever I decided to let my guard down with the middle classes of the region – those wHom ‘self identify’ as just a bit upper,  as this time I mean it. And revealed all – or almost all. To them first I mean.


I may have MissJudged, I thought I had it, had them at last realising there are only two sides in respect of the rivers they fish and I was of them and in fact had essentially been operating for them for more years than they ever knew. And then they went silent. Its when the Master of The Universe you thought was companero having opened up to him, goes silent, may be the true danger moment. But guess what I could no longer give a fuck. If the lower orders aren’t worth living for, as sadly they are not having tried to for so long,  then nothing is.

Bring it on – it will likely be by accidental very large tractor accident “oh I didn’t see him down there…no fluorescent…”

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