Thursday 10 June 2021

  Probably best not to look through until 11 June in that a few paragraphs need to be added in to simplify and clarify the overall picture. 9 June i wasn't planning any more discovery roaming but bugger me out of the blue I  encountered the most gloriously cynical, apathetic, and acedia flavoured  bullshit use of public funds aside a large river in the area i have ever seen. Talk about disturbing nature for an expensive vanity project! But there is also more to it than just so so sums up the whole cant and vanity of the lot of them. Your heroines of it all.... this one rather famous. 

Furthermore some initial photos need to be added in to make phase one a bit more alive .  But i do have a lovely day ahead so will be in best ever mood to get the bugger finished or at least started more enjoyably.

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